Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Myanmar Visa

Up at 8:30, went to find my parents, they were having breakfast at their hotel. After breakfast, my dad and I arranged our Myanmar visas through a travel agent, they'll be ready on Friday. The three of us then booked a River Kwai and Tiger Temple tour for tomorrow. My parents also booked a floating market and crocodile farm and rose garden tour for Thursday.

I went back to my room and showered, did laundry and had breakfast, used internet and updated lots of journal entries. I was going to file a police report about my camera, but didn't because I don't have a passport! It's at the Myanmar embassy.

Later in the afternoon, sat on Koh San Road and had a couple of beers. My parents and I went for supper and had pizza baked in a wood-fired oven. Very good.

Too bed early, I was super tired from the bus ride and need to get up early tomorrow morning for the River Kwai tour.

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