Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Yucky Day!

AFter tubing (and yes, it was the Nam Xong river we tubed), we had some supper, then watched a movie in one of the restaurants, then went home.

We had a crappy night, we must have ate something that didn't agree with us for supper. We were both not feeling too well today, so we didn't do too much. And it was blistering hot to boot, like a sauna outside! I had some breakfast, then we went for lunch, but not much of an appetite. I started feeling better late in the afternoon, but Courtney was still not too well. It sucks being sicky.

We went for supper, then to the internet, to check e-mail, then the internet died at the internet cafe we were at, so we waited for half an hour for him to get reconnected, but he couldn't make a modem connection, finally we left and went to another internet place. There was only one free computer, so Court took it, and while she was using it, someone knocked on the glass window from the outside, and it was Ren (again). He waved at us, and indicated that he'd come back after he walks around. Court finished the internet, so we went back to our guest house, and never saw Ren. It's funny how you keep running into people you've met before.

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