Wednesday, March 05, 2003


Court got worse over night. She started vomitting blood, so I had to take her to the hospital this morning. Our Rough Guide says to avoid hospitals in Laos, and get theeself to a Thai hospital as soon as you can. Courtney can't travel in her condition.

Anyway, the hospital was an experience. The doctor that saw us carried a cigarette in one hand and a bunch of used needles in the other. The hospital is totally run down, there are dogs in the hallways and lobby area, and I swear I saw a rat or two.

Gotcha!!!! Here's the real update for this morning.

We were both awake and asleep all night long, Courtney was like a furnace, she was sooo hot, but didn't seem to have a fever (forehead was cool), so I wasn't that concerned. We finally got up about 9:30. Courtney's hair is pretty wild after spending two days in bed!!!!!

She's feeling a tad better, but still very, very weak. She hadn't vomitted since yesterday afternoon, almost 24 hours, so that was a good sign. Stomach cramps are all gone, but she does have a headache, probably due to lack of fluids and food in her body right now. We showered, and she felt she was able to walk downtown and try to eat some breakfast and use the internet, so we did that. It's about a 20 minute walk from our guest house to downtown, and the it is HOT.

We took it slow, and got breakfast, and Court ate about half of it. It was a BIG breakfast, so she did good to get what she did down. Hopefully it'll stay down.

After breakfast, we hit an internet place (which is right now in internet time), then we're going to walk back to teh guest house (or tuk-tuk it if Courtney wants), and she needs to rest some more. She's very, very exhausted.

Other notes:
- Try a little bit of lime in your tea (in place of cream or milk, if you use it). Mmmmmmm. So tasty! A few restaurants serve a piece of lime with tea, and it is so tasty!!!!
- I was gonna comment on us teaching english in a hill tribe village. Our trek kind of brought us back to reality. I think Courtney and I had a sort of romantic vision of what it'd be like to teach english in a village. The trek brought a little reality check to us. There's no electricity, it gets dark about 6:30, and then there's NOTHING to do. Your only source of light is a few candles in your house. During the day, it gets blazing hot, too hot. There's now running water, no toilets (nature is the toilet), roosters crow all night long, it would be a very tough life, and Court and I wouldn't be able to handle it for too long before getting bored out of our minds. We'd probably have to take up smoking opium to pass the time.
- Getting sick of croissants, they are everywhere here (that's the French influence, no doubt).
- Quite a few UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) trucks around, and there's a lot of construction (road building, sewer's, etc.) going on in Luang Prabang.

Anyway, with that said, Court is getting better. We don't know if she'll feel well enough to travel tomorrow, so we may end up staying another day here as well, we'll see this evening how she's feeling.

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