Slept in fits last night. Stormed all night, strong winds, thunder, rain. Woke up about 8:00am. Raining and cloudy this morning. Hung out in the bungalow, then went for breakfast about 9:00am. Had muesli, yoghurt and fruit salad. Mrs. Lek is famous on the island for her home made yoghurt, apparently. As we had breakfast, she was also kneading dough for some home made bread as well.
We laid around in the restaurant, they had to pull the rain/wind tarps down over the restaurant, as the wind was blowing all the rain all over the restaurant at us. About 11:00, the rain stopped and the clouds moved off.
Most of the afternoon involved reading and swimming. The air was quite cool after the storms, and the water was very warm. Had lunch around noon. I had a chicken and cheese sandwich with her home made bread.
About 4:00, Katrin and I had a refreshing beer.
The shower water is soooo cold here!
Many customers at this bungalow are regulars, they come every year for weeks or months at a time. Mrs. Lek showed us a memory book one of her customers made for her and her husband, with pictures from 1998 to present, seeing how things have changed over the past 10 years. Mr. Moo (Mrs. Lek's husband) has a lot more grey hair. Then Mrs. Lek taught us how to play a board game; a square board with 4 holes, one in each corner. You have to knock your discs into the holds before your opponent.
After 7:00, we had supper, then read and talked until 9:00-ish, and went to bungalows.
Electricity here is from generators....the island is not on the countries power grid. So, the bungalows only has electricity from about 6:30pm-10:30pm.
There's also nothing to do on the island. I don't know how these people that come here for weeks or months stand it. I'd go crazy.
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