Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Cape Tribulation - Day 1

Up about 6:45 for our shuttle bus to Cape Tribulation. Bus picked us up about 7:35. Stopped at a boardwalk for an interpretive rainforest and mangrove walk. Went on a crocodile spotting cruise on the Daintree river, saw a baby crocodile (4-5 feet) and a huge 2.5-3 metre crocodile.

Got to PK's Jungle Village about 12:30. Settled in, showered, had lunch, Kristin napped, Louisa and I went to the bat house. They have fruit bats (aka flying foxes) at the bat house, and you can touch them, pick them up, feed them, etc. They are soooooo cute!!!! Then we walked to the main store, about 1.5 km down the roead, and went for a swim in the swimming hole in the stream. One of the few places you can actually swim in northern Queensland (most places you're not supposed to because of either crocodiles or stingers).

Walked back to the hostel, Kristin and I walked the Dubuji boardwalk, about one hour, then cooked pasta for supper, and had a few drinks. Bunch of us went to the beach, we lost Kristin, so she went to bed. The bioluminensence was amazing at the beach.

Not sure when we got to bed.

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