So, I thought I was going to alone in the room last night, but naw, when I went to bed at 10:00, I walked in, and there was a body on the other bed, I turned on the light, and an old guy was laying there. What a freak! He has NO bags or anything, he didn't bother to put the sheets on the bed, he was just laying on the matress. I'd seen this guy around the hostel for the last few days, he's probably 55+ years old. I said Hi to him, and told him my name, and went to bed.
About half an hour later, he gets up, starts poking me and starts talking to me. He sounds kind of mad at me, and he keeps trying to tell me something, in what i think is French, he keeps saying something, throwing his hand at his bed, then ends up with "Why?" or "Porquoi?" I keep trying to figure out what he's saying, and I'm getting annoyed. This goes on for about ten minutes, and he finally figures out we're not getting anywhere, and he says to me, "English?", and I say ya, he says, "Ah, ok, you sleep. Sleep. Sleep" and repeats sleep a few times, and returns to his bed for a minute, then he gets up and goes out the door, comes back a few minutes later, and grabs his blanket and starts "airing" it out in the room, by jerking it around. He does this for about 5 minutes, then he puts it down, and picks up his pillow and starts doing the same thing, hitting his pillow, and cleaning it off, before finally returning to bed. He makes all kinds of noises as he's trying to go back to sleep, but eventually he goes quiet. I'm kinda spooked now by this weirdo in my room, and I can't sleep. Finally I get to sleep. At about 1:45AM, I'm awakened by someone poking me in the shoulder, I roll over, it's the old guy telling me he can't sleep, "Me, no sleep, no sleep." I say to him, "You, no sleep, but me, sleep.", he says again, "Me, no sleep, no sleep.", to which I say, "Me, sleep", and lay my head down and close my eyes. He gets a clue and goes back to bed, making his usual noises for a while. He didn't talk to me the rest of the night, but he did decide to "air-out" his blanket a few more times, making a horrible noise and waking me up. OH ya, he kept taking pills or something all night, I could hear the crinkling of the tinfoil as he tried to get them out.
He was up before I was, but I was awake, just layed in bed, pretending to be asleep, so he wouldn't talk to me. He left and came back into the room numerous times, finally he left for a while, I got up and showered, went downstairs, had breakfast, went back up to room, got my shaving stuff and went to shave. Upon returning from shaving, he in the room, sitting in his bed, and I said Hello, then Bonjour, and he replied "Bonjourno"...ahh, Italian. He kind of apologized for last night, but he still tried to make me understand what he was saying last night, but I still haven't a clue. Anyway, he says to me, "Tonight, I sleep. You sleep too. Sorry." In his very broken English, he asks me if I've been to Italia, I say yes, he look happy-surprised, he asks me if I've been to Florenzia (No), Roma, (Yes), then I tell him also Venice and Naples.
Anyway, a weirdo to the extreme. I may move hostels sooner than I expected!
I got a haircut last week too. The barber made me look like a marine. And it cost me....$33 for a frickin haircut!!! Why didn't I ask how much first??? I dunno, I didn't dream it'd be that much!!!
Anyway, that's all for now.
I guess is down right now, I'll have to figure out why and try to fix it.
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