Slept crappy last night again. Up about 7:30, sh owered, h ad breakfast, and waited for bus fo r the island tour. The minibus came, and took us to the harbour, and we g ot on the boat. There were a total of 15 tourists on the boat. The first stop was Mum Island (Ebony Islan d) for snorkelling. The water was so blue, it looked like bl ue toilet bl ue c leaner. The water is so clear too, it's u nbelievable. WE sno rkelled for about an hour, then boated t o another islan d, ha dan amazing lun ch, then one of the guides jumped in the water, clothes still on, with a life ring. Besi de him was a piece of st yrofoam with 4 bottles o f wine and cups...this was our floating bar. Everyone jumped into th e water, wit h life rings, because drinking and swi mming don't mi x, an d they don't want anyone to drown!! We spent about two hours here. (Can you tell this is a party boat?) The third island, Tam I slan d, was a sm all reso rt, and we just lounged on th e ro cky beach for about an hour. Last was a fishing village, where we t i ed up in the bay, and jumped off the boat and swam around. It was a blast. The whole ti me, they had m usic blaring on the boat. We got back to the h otel about 4: 00. We had a blast.
We went to Rainbo w and bought our Open Water Cours e for $210 . We start tomorrow at 10 :00AM. We had supper and went to Shorty's about 8:00 to meet up with some ot her people fro m the boat trip.
I went h ome about 10: 0 0 , I was very, very tired.
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