Monday, February 17, 2003

Cold and hot

Very cold last night, maybe 10 degrees.

Here's a little irony for ya. Courtney put on socks, long pants, a shirt, a sweater, a toque, and tied the hood up over the toque, and had her bed sheets, and her towel, AND the heavy blanket they provided, and she was frigid all night. She hardly slept. I was in my long underwear, nothing else, other than the 2nd blanket they provided, and I slept like a baby. It was sooooo nice to sleep in some cool weather. I left sorry for Courtney, though. Oh well. She did manage to get a little bit after the sun came up a little, from 6:30 to 9 or so. Oh ya, and there's, like 50,000,000 roosters in Pai, and they all cockadoodldoo all frickin night long. I swear, none of the roosters over here know when or what sunrise is. And then the Muslim mosque started going about 4:00 in the morning. I remember it happening, but pretty much slept through it all.

We rented mountain bikes (70 baht/day...we got two of them), and rode out to the natural hot springs, about 6km out of town. They very much reminded me of the natural hot springs I visited in northern BC in 1999 (mom/ can provide the name, I can't remember). Very, very hot where it's coming out of the ground, boiling. We can see the steam, even in the heat of the day. There were quite a few locals bathing/swimming in teh streams, but it would've been too hot for us. It'll be really nice to go there in the cool evening, which we plan on doing tomorrow evening.

We then biked a little farther to Cafe Del Doi, which is supposed to have the most awesome sunsets. The cafe is built facing west, so you can see the sun setting over the mountains. We biked more an 12 km today.

Came back and had a shower. *COLD*! Holy moly, was it cold. Did I mention it was freezing cold???

Walked to town and bought a mini-bus ticket back to Chiang Mai for Wednesday. Back to the guest house, and relaxed, Court practised her poi's, and kept smacking herself in the head. Fortunately there was another girl there who had been doing poi's for about 5 years, and gave Court a few lessons. It'll still be quite a while before Court's ready to set them ablaze, though.

I was talking to Hiro, from Japan, at the outdoor lounge area, and I made a remark about "buddy", and a girl who was passing by said, "Excuse me, where are you from?", and I said Canada, and she said, "I knew it. You said buddy". I guess buddy is a Canadian thing. She was from Nova Scotia, Halifax.

A little later, we met our first Saskatchewan traveller, from Regina. He was born there, but he doesn't live there anymore.

My stupid CD player stopped working, it wouldn't play any CD's. I was ready to ditch it, and Court suggested I try some new batteries. I did, and it worked! Whew!

We went for another bike ride around Pai, then back to the hut, relaxed a bit more, then headed out for some supper, then hit the internet, and here we are.

It's now 9:00PM our time, and I imagine some buddies have a campfire down by the river, so we're gonna go check it out.

See ya later.

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